Pelakon dan pengacara, Sherry Alhadad mengakui sedikit terkesan apabila melihat teman dan saudara-mara yang sudah mendirikan rumah tangga.
Ujar wanita berusia 34 tahun ini, jauh di sudut hatinya, dia juga teringin untuk mempunyai sebuah keluarga kecil sendiri, suatu hari nanti.
"Kalau pergi ke majlis perkahwinan kawan ke saudara mara ke, memang nampak saya happy, tapi sebenarnya saya teringin juga.
"Saya nak juga ada anak sendiri, nak tengok anak ikut perangai siapa, saya ke bapa dia. Saya nak juga ada yang meneruskan legasi keluarga," katanya ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.
Bagaimanapun jelas pemilik nama Shariffah Mariam Syed Abdullah Al Hadad, dia belum berjumpa dengan lelaki yang berjaya mengetuk pintu hatinya.
"Saya tak jumpa yang sesuai lagi. Makan sireh banyak dah (ketawa).
"Tak dinafikan, ada yang mendekati tapi itulah. Bukan nak memilih sangat, tapi bila nak dijadikan suami, perlulah yang serasi. Lagipun kita nak hidup dengan dia.
"Sebenarnya saya ni jenis yang simple dan kalau boleh saya nak lelaki yang simple, yang tak angkat diri, boleh hormat orang tua, tak berkira dan paling penting bukan suami orang," katanya sambil ketawa.
Tambah Sherry, kali terakhir dia menjalinkan hubungan cinta kira-kira lapan tahun yang lalu.
Bagaimanapun, kesukaran untuk membina kerjaya membuatkan dia meletakan soal cinta ke tepi.
"Sebelum ini, saya bersusah-payah nak masuk industri seni sehinggakan saya berusaha dan hanya fokus pada kehidupan sendiri sampai tak ada masa nak bercinta.
"Hidup kedua saya kalau bukan diri sendiri, saya dengan keluarga. Mungkin dah selesa macam itu dan tak harapkan lelaki," ujarnya.
Dalam pada itu, pengacara program Drop The Beat ini tidak pernah berhenti berdoa untuk bertemu dengan lelaki yang bertanggungjawab.
"Saya tetap berdoa untuk berjumpa dengan lelaki yang elok serta bertanggungjawab. Memang ada pernah lelaki nak berkenalan tapi mesti tak menjadi.
"Tapi bila umur macam ini malas nak bercinta, kalau ada yang betul-betul ikhlas, masuk minang terus kan," katanya.
Sementara itu, Sherry masih sibuk menjalani penggambaran untuk program temu bualnya, The Sherry Show & Friends untuk slot hari raya.
Best forex strategy
during the day to study the market and implement trades can lead to a successful strategy (For further reading on forex trading, see: How To Place Orders With A Forex Broker). strategies that work best are simple. The forex fractal is not just a strategy but a concept of market fundamentals that you really need to know in order to understand what price is doing, why it is doing it, and who is making it move.
This is the kind of inside info that took me years and many thousands of dollars to learn. It’s yours here for free, so make use of it 🙂 There are also several sites on the net offering free strategies. The problem with most of these sites is, as mentioned above, they just give a brief description of each strategy, with little real proof that they work.
Consequently, there is a need for greater research on your part before using any of those strategies in your actual trading. Once you have selected a strategy from one of these sources you will of course need to thoroughly back test and forward test it. The various processes for this are covered in Forex Strategy Testing There are also several sites on the net offering free strategies.
The problem with most of these sites is, as mentioned above, they just give a brief description of each strategy, with little real proof that they work. Consequently, there is a need for greater research on your part before using any of those strategies in your actual trading. Once you have selected a strategy from one of these sources you will of course need to thoroughly back test and forward test it.
The various processes for this are covered in Forex Strategy Testing There are also several commercial systems to consider. Since these are more comprehensive than the simple strategies presented above, and thereby fall into the definition of Forex Trading Systems The risk of missed opportunities notwithstanding, there are strategies that can work based on a part-time schedule.
For example, those who trade at night might be limited to the types of currencies they trade based on volumes during the 24-hour cycle. These night traders should employ a strategy of trading specific currency pairs that are most active overnight. An example would be trading the Australian dollar (AUD) / Japanese yen (JPY) pair or the New Zealand dollar (NZD)/JPY or AUD pair.
It is important to analyze the correlation between currencies when choosing a pair, as having time during the day to study the market and implement trades can lead to a successful strategy (For further reading on forex trading, see: How To Place Orders With A Forex Broker). making it move. This is the kind of inside info that took me years and many thousands of dollars to learn.
It’s yours here for free, so make use of it 🙂 There are also several sites on the net offering free strategies. The problem with most of these sites is, as mentioned above, they just give a brief description of each strategy, with little real proof that they work. Consequently, there is a need for greater research on your part before using any of those strategies in your actual trading.
Once you have selected a strategy from one of these sources you will of course need to thoroughly back test and forward test it. The various processes for this are covered in Forex Strategy Testing There are also several commercial systems to consider. Since these are more comprehensive than the simple strategies presented above, and thereby fall into the